ReWild "Cool & Vibrant" Shade Design
We often get questions from new rewilders who are looking for ideas on how to get started with a native plant garden.
Unfortunately, one size does not fit all. The size of the yard, the sunshine, slope, moisture, soil and other factors often dictate what will be successful in each yard. That said, there are some common design concepts and starting points that work well for many of us.
ReWild works with expert Native Plant landscape designers to bring you ideas based on their years of experience. The “Cool and Vibrant” Shade Design below from Rusty Schmidt, one of Long Island’s premier Landscape Ecologists, provides pollinator friendly colorful plants that bloom despite four hours of sun. The design combines plants with contrasting colors and varying heights, setting off each in the verdant background of the others.
This garden is designed for spaces receiving about four hours of sunshine or equivalent dappled light. It features plants of varying heights from 1 to 6 feet, with contrasting colors. The plants are tolerant of a wide variety of soils, from clay, loam or sand predominating.
The ReWIld “Cool and Vibrant” Shade Design is a pollinator- friendly, showy garden with a number of easy-to-grow, widely available native plants that require only low maintenance.
Garden Design
See table below for how many plants of each type and spacing
How the colors in the garden change each month

At the front of the design, we have Great Blue Lobelias, paired with bird attracting Low Bush Blueberries.
The center is held by masses of Jacob’s Ladder and Asters flanked by bushes of Goldenrods and Turtleheads on either side.
In the rear, we have the taller Woodland Sunflowers and Tall Meadow Rue, with early blooming Wild Geraniums and Columbines on the sides.
All plants in this design are pollinator friendly. This design, targeted at an area of about 300 square-feet can easily be adjusted to smaller or larger spaces, as well as various shapes by controlling the spacing and numbers of plants.
About the designer
Rusty Schmidt is a landscape ecologist who has worked with native plants and ecosystems over several decades. Rusty Schmidt designs and constructs alternate ways of managing stormwater runoff, creating hundreds of designs for habitat restorations, complete restorations of ecosystems, and many rain gardens bio-infiltration swales, bio-retention basins and stormwater ponds, ranging in size from a small backyard to multi-acre projects.
He works for Nelson, Pope and Voorhis in Melville, NY, and is also President of the Long Island Native Plants Initiative. Rusty is an Adjunct Professor in the Horticulture Department at Farmingdale State College, NY. He co-authored three books “Plants for Stormwater Design ”, Vol 1 and 2, and a homeowner’s guide, “ Blue Thumb Guide to Raingardens”.
Rusty has been a long time collaborator and mentor of ReWild Long Island.
Rusty Schmidt